Your Safety is Our First Priority
NJ TRANSIT takes every precaution to ensure both passenger and public safety on our bus, rail and light rail systems. Safety is everybody's responsibility. Please take a moment to review our rail, light rail, and bus safety information and act on it today. The life you save may be your own or someone close to you!
Schools and community groups can take advantage of our FREE statewide safety education presentations for all age groups. High school driver education teachers can request a FREE program package for the classroom developed to help teen motorists safely share the road with trains, buses, and light rail. Please click on the links below to learn more.
- Rail and Light Rail Safety
- Bus Safety
- Safety Education Program
- Driver Education Safety Program
- NJ TRANSIT Safety Rules! Activity Book
- Arrange a safety presentation for your school or organization
- Scouts of New Jersey Patch Program
- Protecting our Pedestrians
- Special SEAT (Safety Education Awareness Training)
In addition to Rail and Bus Safety, our redesigned program now includes:
Anti-Bullying, Pedestrian Safety and The Scouts of New Jersey Patch Program. Our Safety Education Specialists are available to facilitate workshops for day camps, and daycare centers, attend Health & Safety Fairs, and other Community Outreach events.