Chance For Change
NJ TRANSIT has partnered with the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation, Collaborative Support Programs of New Jersey and Volunteers of America Delaware Valley, launching an innovative new program called “Chance For Change” to provide a digital avenue for customers to donate safely and effectively to help those in need.
Learn more.
Accessibility Forum
NJ TRANSIT will hold its next Accessibility Forum on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. NJ TRANSIT will highlight some of the agency’s recent accessibility-related efforts, and offer members of the public the opportunity to make comments related to NJ TRANSIT ’s accessible services and the experiences of customers with disabilities using our services and facilities.
Observe and Report
If something seems out of place, trust your gut. Please report suspicious activity, packages, or vehicles around NJ TRANSIT facilities or onboard the system. Text your messages directly to NJTPD(65873) or CALL 1-888-TIPS-NJT (1-888-847-7658).
Performance by the Numbers
NJ TRANSIT is improving customer experience through investments in people and infrastructure - and we've made considerable progress. View our performance dashboards for details.