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Transit Oriented Development

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)

TOD Definition & Importance

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) is walkable, mixed-use development centered around and integrated with transit stations. NJ TRANSIT seeks opportunities to actively promote TOD at and proximate to its transportation facilities because of its well-documented potential to:

  • Increase transit ridership while reducing reliance on personal vehicles;
  • Expand equitable and inclusive access to local, regional, and statewide opportunities and resources;
  • Increase affordable housing and diversify housing types close to transit;
  • Promote regional economic growth by concentrating people, jobs, and opportunities near transit;
  • Promote a more sustainable future through reduced greenhouse gas emissions and efficient land use;
  • Increase transportation resiliency with expanded travel options, including public transit and active modes of transportation;
  • Directly benefit station communities by:
    • Creating value around stations;
    • Revitalizing business districts;
    • Creating places that offer easy, non-automotive access to daily destinations; Increasing access to jobs;
    • Expanding viable, appealing transportation choices, including biking, walking, and rolling;
    • Facilitating growth that optimizes use of existing infrastructure;
    • Reducing the number of parking spaces required for each use; and
    • Enhancing social connections and community cohesion by bringing people, activities, buildings, and open spaces together.


TOD Guidelines



transit-friendly planning

New Jersey’s Transit Friendly Planning Newsletter

TOD Contact Information

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) 
NJ TRANSIT - Real Estate Department 
283-299 Market Street
Suite # 900 
Newark, NJ 07102

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (862)-229-4449