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Procurement Calendar Scrap Awards

Date of Award Sales Order # Title Sold To Value
04/30/204302020Used RadiatorsGreggory Taste$ 9,562.50
02/29/20AP013516160 scrap used bus diesel radiatorsMatthew Nadeau$ 12,003.75
02/28/20B18-03Scrap Bus, One Neoplan Bus (Without Tires)Mary Osman $ 1,361.25
02/28/20B19-02Scrap Buses, One Neoplan & two Nabi Buses (Without Tires)Russell A Osman LLC$ 2,666.25
02/28/20AP012732One Set of (4) Lift Ports and Two (2) Brake Lathes beyond economic repairKevin McCarty$ 2,471.62
02/26/20AP013636One (1) Forklift (EQ20-07), Two (2) Sweeper ScrubbersLeonard Tutt JR$ 2,225.00
01/29/20AP0136281 LOT OF METAL SCRAP- 2 TWO Steel GIRDERSClyde Cameron$ 5,664.37

Procurement Calendar Scrap Awards Archive