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Vanpool Sponsorship Program

NJ TRANSIT makes commuting more affordable by offering financial incentives for vanpooling in areas where public transportation is neither available nor feasible. Through its partnerships with vanpool providers and local Transportation Management Associations (TMAs), the NJ TRANSIT Vanpool Sponsorship Program (VSP) will provide $175 per month to newly forming or existing vanpool groups who meet eligibility requirements.

Why Vanpools?

To assist commuters who are unable to access mass transportation and offer them an incentive to try an alternative to driving alone to work, NJ TRANSIT developed VSP. VSP encourages the formation and continuation of vanpools, which benefit both commuters and the residents of New Jersey. Riding to work in a vanpool not only saves you money on your commute, it reduces stress and gives you more time to read, sleep, listen to your favorite tunes or just relax. As a direct result of their use, vanpools add to the quality of life in New Jersey by reducing single occupancy vehicles on our highways and pollution in the environment.

It's easy to Join VSP!

Newly forming and existing vanpool groups that obtain their vehicles from an approved vanpool provider and that meet program requirements can apply through their local TMA for NJ TRANSIT Sponsorship.VSP amounts are set by NJ TRANSIT and both vanpool groups and individual riders must reapply for them annually. TMAs will provide information on VSP or assistance in completing applications. They can also connect you with a vanpool provider.