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Public Notice


The New Jersey Transit Corporation (NJ TRANSIT), under Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, and under provisions of Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), gives notice of its intent to apply for Federal Fiscal Year 2020 federal financial assistance, Federal Fiscal Year 2019, Federal Fiscal Year 2018, and Federal Fiscal Year 2017 carryover funds from the following programs: $343.86 million under 49 U.S.C. Section 5307 for operating and capital assistance;  $277.48 million under Section 5337 State of Good Repair; $34.92 million under Section 5339 Bus and Bus Facilities;  $11.57 million under 49 U.S.C. Sections 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities and Section 5311 Rural Transportation Program; $167.50 million of Federal Highway Authority;  $363.94 million under Section 5324 Public Transportation Emergency Relief; and $41.52 million of Discretionary funding for a total of $1.24 billion.

Federal operating funds will be matched as required with funds provided by the State of New Jersey and local recipients in conformance with Federal and State guidelines.  NJ TRANSIT intends to provide the non-Federal share of capital projects through credit for toll revenues. The Federal Fiscal Year 2020 Federal program is described below.


Proposed Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Program
(in Millions of Dollars)

Project Federal
Capital Lease Payments 71.310
Cumberland County Bus Program 1.020
Dual Power Locomotives 50.761
Elizabeth Intermodal Station Reconstruction 20.000
HBLRT Weehawken Tunnel Repairs 7.050
Lyndhurst Station Reconstruction 5.075
MMC Building Perimeter Flood Control 1.088
PL 42 Locomotives 19.692
Preventive Maintenance - Bus 108.134
Preventive Maintenance - Rail 53.292
ROC Unit Substation 2.000
SJ SBRT/Avandale Park and Ride 4.435



Proposed Section 5337 State of Good Repair
(in Millions of Dollars)

Project Federal
Dual Power Locomotives 21.406
MMC Building Perimeter Flood Control 6.856
Newark Penn Station Electric System Improvement 4.536
Newark Penn Station Old Boiler Restoration 5.310
PL 42 Locomotives 22.097
Preventative Maintenance - Bus 4.556
Preventative Maintenance - Rail 196.018
Signal Renewal Brielle to Bay Head 16.700
Total: $277.479

Proposed Section 5339 Bus and Bus Facilities
(in Millions of Dollars)

Project Federal
Articulated Buses 34.923
Total: $34.923

Proposed Section 5310, 5311
(in Millions of Dollars)

Project Federal
Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities     7.380
Rural Transportation Assistance Program     4.186
Total: $11.272

Proposed Federal Highway Authority (FHWA)
(in Millions of Dollars)

Project Federal
HBLR Route 440 Extension 8.000
Hoboken Ferry 2.380
Multi-Level III Rail Car Purchase 150.620
Newark Intermodal 0.500
Passaic Bus Terminal 2.500
Perth Amboy Intermodal ADA Improvements 3.500
Total: $167.500

Proposed Section 5324 Public Transportation Emergency Relief
(in Millions of Dollars)

Project Federal
Super Storm Sandy - NJ TRANSITGRID 363.936
Total: $363.936


Proposed Discretionary Funding
(in Millions of Dollars)

Project Federal
Access and Mobility Partnership .606
Articulated Buses 17.275
Bus Lifts 7.000
Electric Buses 1.500
Greenville Bus Garage Roof Rehabilitation 2.600
Passenger Ferry 6.000
Total: $41.523

A. Property Acquisition/Environmental, Economic, and Social Aspects

Any property acquisition or relocation that may be required will be conducted in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the law and regulatory requirements.  As appropriate, the social, economic, environmental, and relocation aspects of the projects will be investigated. If required under applicable laws and regulations, interim findings may be presented at a future public hearing and further public comment will be solicited.  Prior to the implementation of any of the projects and to the extent required, NJ TRANSIT may prepare an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to Federal regulations.  The availability of this document will be made known by publication in the same manner as this notice. NJ TRANSIT will adhere to all Federal statutes and regulations affecting structures or properties eligible for or on the National Register of Historic Places.

B. Comprehensive Planning

NJ TRANSIT projects are developed in coordination with the following planning organizations:  The North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority, which is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Northeast New Jersey urbanized area; the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, which is the designated MPO for Camden, Mercer, Burlington, and Gloucester counties; and the South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization, which is the designated MPO for Cumberland, Salem, Atlantic, and Cape May counties.  The MPOs are the forums for local decision-making concerning the proposed projects.  The projects are developed in consultation with local elected officials, interested citizens, and providers of private bus services. 

C. Private Enterprise Participation

Through the comprehensive planning process administered by the MPOs and ongoing communication with NJ TRANSIT's Office of Private Carrier Affairs, NJ TRANSIT continues to discuss with private carriers their participation in the capital program.  In addition, NJ TRANSIT encourages, to the maximum extent possible, the participation of the private sector in the development and implementation of public transportation in the State of New Jersey.

D. Senior Citizens and Individuals with Disabilities

Services to be provided will be consistent with NJ TRANSIT's program of reduced interstate and intrastate rail and bus fares for senior citizens and individuals with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to plan and design program elements involving facilities generally available to the public with careful consideration of the special needs of senior citizens and individuals with disabilities.

E. Public Input

NJ TRANSIT invites public comments on the above projects and its performance.  Request for additional information on NJ TRANSIT’s program of projects, written comments and/or requests for a public hearing should be sent to Joyce J. Zuczek, Board Secretary, Office of the Secretary to the Board, NJ TRANSIT, One Penn Plaza East, Newark, New Jersey 07105-2246 by July 31, 2020.

Based on comments received in response to this notice and information made available, NJ TRANSIT may modify the above program before final submission to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and will make a determination, pursuant to FTA regulations, as to whether a public hearing is in order.  The above list of proposed projects will become the final list of projects unless notification is provided in the same manner as this public notice.

Kevin S. Corbett
President & CEO
New Jersey Transit Corporation

Fiscal Year 2020 Request for Federal Financial Assistance (Arabic)

Fiscal Year 2020 Request for Federal Financial Assistance (Chinese)

Fiscal Year 2020 Request for Federal Financial Assistance (French)

Fiscal Year 2020 Request for Federal Financial Assistance (Korean)

Fiscal Year 2020 Request for Federal Financial Assistance (Portuguese)

Fiscal Year 2020 Request for Federal Financial Assistance (Russian)

Fiscal Year 2020 Request for Federal Financial Assistance (Spanish)