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Edge4Vets: Translate Military Strengths into TOOLS for Civilian Success


Download the Edge4Vets Fall 2021 Flyer 


Since 2011 Edge4Vets, operating out of Fordham University, has provided career workshop training for veterans in seven states to help them become ‘job ready,’ then connect them to jobs at Edge4Vets employer partners that can lead to careers and set them on a pathway to success.

Edge4Vets works with “sourcing agents,” including the USO, colleges, National Guard, NJ DOL and others, to recruit NJ veterans and prepare and connect them to jobs at NJ TRANSIT that can lead to careers to help vets succeed, while helping the agency meet its need for quality talent.

Edge4Vets PROGRAM — Four Steps to Supporting Vet Employment

Edge4Vets partners with NJ TRANSIT to recruit veterans to participate in two Zoom workshops, as well as the online Edge4Vets course, where they learn how to translate their military strengths, values and skills to job opportunities at NJ Transit:

  1. In the first workshop, vets learn how to create a draft of a PLAN4SUCCESS — with four parts, Vision, Values, Skills and Action. Vets gain support in the workshop from HR reps and hiring managers at NJ TRANSIT who serve as “mentors” and provide feedback.
  2. Following the workshop, vets are given access to the online Edge4Vets course. They have two weeks to work at their own pace. Through a series of short videos and exercises they learn how to finalize their “draft” PLAN4SUCCESS and submit it to earn a Certificate.
  3. In the second workshop, vets will bring their PLAN4SUCCESS to the session. NJ TRANSIT “mentors” identify job openings and provide input to help vets match their skills and interests from their personal PLANS to job opportunities at NJ TRANSIT.
  4. At the end of the workshop series, vets are “connected back” to reps at their sourcing agencies and other support resources in their communities for additional support to follow up on contacts they made in the workshops, and gain maximum benefits from the program to gain an edge in getting hired.
See full details on the program at 
Download the Edge4Vets Fall 2021 Flyer