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Hit the Pause Button

If you’re signed up for MyTransit alerts and advisories, you may want to take advantage of a new tool we’ve added to the mobile app and on the web. Now, you can pause alerts or advisories for your saved trips on MyTransit – and do it without deleting your saved trips!

Simply log in to your MyTransit account at Then, click on “MyTransit” under the Navigation Menu. In your “Registered Trips” list:

  • Option 1: Click the “On/Off” switch at the top of the page next to “Pause All Alerts & Advisories” to pause all of your alerts and advisories.
  • Option 2: Click the “On/Off” switch next to each individual registered trip to pause alerts & advisories just for that designated trip.

This may also be a good time to check your profile to make sure your information and travel experience is up to date, and to turn on or off other settings. Customers have the ability to turn off all alerts, advisories, amber Alerts or MMS messaging by clicking on “Profile” and de-selecting “Travel Alerts,” “Transit Advisories,” “Amber Alerts” and/or “MMS” in their My Transit Profile. Then click “Update” at the bottom of the page after making your changes.